The Sacred Home Part 3

The Sacred Home Part 3

Creating an altar, cleansing your space, and inviting the sacred to dwell within are all powerful ways to support the healthy energy of your home, which will support your healthy energy in turn. The next step is to spiritually protect your sacred home from unwanted and unwell energy and influence. Once we have engaged these […]

The Sacred Home Part 2

The Sacred Home Part 2

A home is made of more than bricks, wood, and concrete. It’s not just a structure that shields us from the elements or a place to keep all of our stuff. A home is, in itself, a living being that requires exactly what all other living beings require: love, cleansing, feeding, and care. How can […]

Spirituality by the Stars

Spirituality by the Stars

A few weeks ago, I found myself sitting in my favorite coffee shop and thinking about astrology (like ya do). I find astrology to be an exceptionally elegant tool for self-discovery and personal growth because it offers an abundance of rich, symbolic information in every chart.  While I don’t consider myself an astrologer, I have […]

5 Perspectives Your Soul Has On Life

5 Perspectives Your Soul Has On Life

Each one of us is a kaleidoscope of perception, and every part of our being has a perspective. Imagine you can merge with the perspective of your body, and notice how alert it actually is, silently monitoring all of its internal functions, constantly scanning the environment for sensory information. Now imagine merging with the perspective […]